Monday, May 26, 2014

How to Date a White Woman?

So, this exits:

General consensus seems to be that it's useless, which is maybe part of why it's so exciting (encouraging?) that this exists, too:


Glenn + Maggie 4Eva (jk he's dead)

Although, for real:

We like to walk up to other Asian gentleman / White lady couples and high five them. It's not weird.

And remember:

AMWF, an acronym that stands for “Asian Male, White Female,” is a community of white women who are in a relationship (or hope to be) with an Asian man and Asian men who are in a relationship with (or hope to be) with a white woman. 
Yes, this is a real thing. And before you pass judgement, take a closer look at what the AMWF community is really all about.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

I'm not racist, but...

We like to try to start really innocuous sentences with "I'm not racist, but..." as a way of pointing out what a stupid preface that is for any comment.

Examples to try at home:

"I'm not racist, but will you pass the salt?"
"I'm not racist, but I forgot my gmail password."
"I'm not racist, but can I borrow your pen?"

Fun for the whole critical race theory family.

In general, though, you can rest assured that sentences beginning "I'm not racist, but..." will end with something that's racist.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fusion Cuisine

We've always joked about opening an Irish-Asian fusion cuisine restaurant called the Sham Wok. The menu item we've come up with so far is corned beef and cabbage sushi.


Little did we know, there are already some hilarious fusions in the world, including the Jewish-Asian brain child, a soy sauce called Soy Vay. (Visit their page to hear a gong. Really.)

The story goes: "two friends, a Jewish boy and Chinese girl, came together over their love of food."

Like Veri Veri Terikyaki - how sweet (nyuk nyuk).


"Occupy Ethnic Foods" by Tak Toyoshima in Shattered: The Asian American Comics Anthology features an outburst by a jar of Ah-So Sauce about the segregation enacted by "ethnic food" aisles in groceries across the United States.

It concludes with the following exchange:

Ah-So: Well, I'm proud of my identity... I've stuck with my Chinese roots, and I'll stand with my ethnic brothers!Cup Noodles: Chinese roots? Fool! You were created in ... New Jersey!

A dismayed Ah-So leaps from the grocery shelf to his (her? what is the gender of jars?) death.


In conclusion, the Sham Wok will probably just wind up being a food truck that sells Guinness and take-out Chinese food.

Or, as they call it in China, "food."