Monday, May 26, 2014

How to Date a White Woman?

So, this exits:

General consensus seems to be that it's useless, which is maybe part of why it's so exciting (encouraging?) that this exists, too:


Glenn + Maggie 4Eva (jk he's dead)

Although, for real:

We like to walk up to other Asian gentleman / White lady couples and high five them. It's not weird.

And remember:

AMWF, an acronym that stands for “Asian Male, White Female,” is a community of white women who are in a relationship (or hope to be) with an Asian man and Asian men who are in a relationship with (or hope to be) with a white woman. 
Yes, this is a real thing. And before you pass judgement, take a closer look at what the AMWF community is really all about.

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